The easiest way to
update your School Website
Our school website Content Management System (CMS) has been designed specifically for schools and enhanced over the last 18 years with feedback from schools.
The Greenhouse CMS is packed with features to make managing your school website easy and enjoyable and comes with unlimited support from our friendly team.
- Easy to use
- Unrivalled Support
- Request CMS demo
1. Unlimited
CONTENTThe Greenhouse Content Management System allows you to create unlimited pages and unlimited menus. You can easily re-order menus and sub-menus, and upload thousands of documents, photos and videos.
2. Unlimited
SupportOur friendly team offer unlimited support by phone & email if you ever need help using the CMS. No question is ever too much trouble. We are here to help ensure your website is an ongoing success.
3. Secure by
defaultThe security of your information is of paramount importance to us. Your website comes with an SSL certificate as standard, cookie pop up notifications, secure hosting with daily backups and the re-assurance that Greenhouse are fully GDPR compliant.
4. Password
Protected AreasYou can password protect individual pages, or create areas which require a log in e.g. for parents, staff or governors. You can create as many password protected areas as you wish.
5. News, Blog
& CalendarNews & diary dates are at the heart of communication within a busy school. The Greenhouse CMS allows you to add a diary date or news item and display it across the site automatically. You can add multiple diary dates in one go and choose to display dates as a list or in month, week, day view format. You can also repeat diary dates which occur regularly. You can create diary categories and colour code as you wish for example displaying each year group in a different colour. Parents can filter date categories and even subscribe to the school website calendar and add it to their own calendar.
6. Form Builder
The built in form builder is really useful for capturing information from parents & visitors whether it be a simple enquiry form, a trips permissions form or absence reporting.
7. Role Based
PublishingThrough the CMS user manager, you can delegate and share the content editing with other staff, governors or even parents and pupils - you can choose which pages other editors can see and edit. The CMS gives you full control to create new users and manage existing users, and choose whether content editors can publish directly to the internet or to a 'pending approval' area.
8. Home
Alert PagePerfect for emergencies or school closures, our Home Alert feature allows you to publish a key message that will appear before the main website home page. It can be pre-populated in advance and enabled with one click so there's less to think about at 6am in the morning when you're expecting snow! The CMS also has a pop-up window feature for less urgent notices.
9. Photo
GalleriesParents love to watch photo galleries! And other visitors will be drawn to photos which can say much more than words. Batch upload photos in one go and sit back and watch the sideshow or view thumbnails and jump around. Create as many galleries as you wish and organise them with our clever gallery groups feature which allows you to tag a gallery so it automatically appears on the right page. You can also showcase photos with our built in instagram style Photo Grids feature.
10. Videos
Parents love videos even more! They have also become a essential home learning resource for pupils. The CMS provides several quick ways to easily add videos to pages on your website - by far the easiest being the integrated search and embed feature,
11. Staff
GalleriesHaving a staff photo gallery is often helpful for parental engagement. Our staff gallery feature will make it easy for you to manage staff galleries with photos, names, title and even a bio if you wish. Create multiple galleries for different year groups, to reflect your organisational structure or however you wish.
12. Document
Auto-ListsTired of adding policies to your website one by one? No more. Upload documents to a folder and our CMS Auto-list feature will automatically list them on a page. You can create your own auto-lists and use them for things like Newsletters, Letters Home, and Policies.
13. Version
ControlDon’t you wish everything you did had a rewind button? You can edit any page on your website with confidence as you can always go back to a previous version. So go ahead and experiment!
14. Scheduled
PublishingNeed to make a page live at 6am on a Monday morning but don't fancy getting up early? Then scheduled publishing is for you. You can also schedule pages to stop appearing on your website at a particular time - a popular feature for job adverts.
15. Mobile App
IntegrationImportant content you add to your website using the Greenhouse CMS is automatically available without re-keying if you have one of our school mobile apps.
16. Curriculum
GalleriesCurriculum galleries are a great way to showcase the curriculum you offer. Add the name of each subject, an icon or image as well as descriptive text. The CMS will automatically create an attractive grid with hovers, links and text. Create & manage multiple curriculum galleries and add them to different pages.
17. Twitter & Facebook
IntegrationKeep parents and your followers up to date with one click. You can post any content to Twitter or Facebook directly from the CMS. For example news items, diary dates or job vacancies - just click the share icon in the CMS and your post will be drafted ready for you to edit and publish.
18. Vacancy Publishing
to Google JobsOur Jobs feature makes it easy to manage job vacancies with editable templates, automatic closing dates and attractive page listings. You can also choose to automatically publish to Google Jobs to ensure the maximum reach of your vacancies.